
Made Easyier

Enhance their learning experience
with our smart solutions for education.
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Made Easier

Enhance their learning experience
with our smart solutions for education.

this is how we can
upgrade your schools

Image of People Counting

People Counting

Challenge: How can educational institutions improve the accuracy of data collection, data management, maintenance, and system integration while reducing costs and enhancing scalability in people counting?

Solution: Implement an advanced people-counting system using AI-powered sensors and integrated data management platforms to ensure precise tracking, seamless integration, and scalable growth.

Benefits: Provides accurate real-time data collection, reduces maintenance efforts, lowers costs, and enhances system scalability, improving overall efficiency in educational institutions.

Image of People in a Conference Room

Smart Conferencing

Challenge: How can educational institutions enhance their conferencing experience and collaboration by using smart conferencing systems and 360-degree cameras?

Solution: Implement a smart conferencing system integrated with 360-degree conferencing cameras to provide comprehensive, immersive video coverage and advanced meeting management features.

Benefits: Enables clear and immersive remote participation, improves meeting effectiveness with panoramic views, enhances collaboration, and integrates seamlessly with existing technology for a more engaging and productive conferencing experience.

Interactive Display

Challenge: How can educators teach in a way that encourages student participation in class?

Solution: Install interactive displays in educational institutions.

Benefits: By installing interactive displays, educators can experience enhanced student engagement, while students benefit from receiving real-time feedback from teachers.

qnex Smart Classroom

Challenge: Managing classroom technology efficiently while minimizing the workload for IT administrators.

Solution: Implement a smart classroom system with remote control, scheduled tasks, AV switching, live broadcasts, and one-touch device control.

Benefits: Streamlined management, improved efficiency, enhanced learning experiences, and simplified device operation.

Room Booking

Challenge: Managing classroom technology efficiently while minimizing the workload for IT administrators.

Solution: Implement a smart classroom system with remote control, scheduled tasks, AV switching, live broadcasts, and one-touch device control.

Benefits: Streamlined management, improved efficiency, enhanced learning experiences, and simplified device operation.

Immersive Box

Challenge: Managing advanced video display technology in various settings while ensuring ease of use.

Solution: A high-performance video processor provides features such as projector edge blending, video wall control, and 4K MultiViewer with a user-friendly interface.

Benefits: Delivers high-quality, customizable displays, supports diverse applications, and simplifies technology management.


Challenge: Live streaming setup can be complex and costly, requiring specialized equipment and expertise.

Solution: A portable, easy-to-use live streaming solution offers quick setup and professional capabilities with no extra equipment needed.

Benefits: Stream events effortlessly with minimal setup, portability, and accessibility for users of all skill levels at a one-time cost.

Asset Management System

Challenge: Managing and tracking assets and maintenance using spreadsheets can be cumbersome and lead to loss or mismanagement of assets.

Solution: Asset management and tracking software provides a centralized system for monitoring and maintaining assets, equipment, inventory, and tools from anywhere, at any time.

Benefits: Streamlines asset tracking, reduces the risk of loss, and enables efficient management and maintenance through a centralized, accessible platform.

RFID Library System

Challenge: Managing RFID data collection and device performance in a demanding environment can be challenging due to issues with efficiency, battery life, heat dissipation, and communication.

Solution: The device features advanced RFID technology, ergonomic design, efficient heat dissipation, dynamic duty cycle algorithm, dual battery system, 5G communication, and a high-definition screen.

Benefits: Enhances data collection speed and accuracy, reduces user fatigue, ensures stable operation with improved battery life and heat management, and offers efficient communication and display for optimal performance.


Challenge: Educators require durable, flexible mobile devices that can withstand the rigors of a classroom environment while offering security and functionality.

Solution: Rugged mobile devices provide durability, customizable features, and advanced security to support teaching and administrative tasks in any educational setting.

Benefits: Ensures reliable performance in challenging environments, enhances classroom productivity with adaptable features, and protects sensitive educational data with robust security.

Hexnode Mobile Device Management

Challenge: Managing and securing mobile devices in educational settings can be complex, requiring efficient deployment, policy enforcement, and troubleshooting.

Solution: Mobile Device Management (MDM) offers zero-touch deployment, unified policy management, app management, remote troubleshooting, messaging, and kiosk modes.

Benefits: Streamlines device setup, enforces consistent policies, simplifies app management, enables remote support, facilitates communication, and allows for controlled device use.

Energy Management System

Challenge: Managing and optimizing energy consumption in educational buildings can be complex, requiring integration of various systems for effective control and monitoring.

Solution: Implement an energy management system with IoT solutions including smart lighting, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), smart HVAC systems with occupancy and open/close detection, and power consumption controls with electrical monitoring.

Benefits: Enhances energy efficiency, reduces operational costs, improves environmental sustainability, and provides real-time monitoring and control for better management of educational facilities.


Challenge: Accurately tracking time and attendance in schools can be challenging with traditional methods, often lacking precision and efficiency.

Solution: Utilize AI cameras with pedestrian detection and tracking capabilities to accurately identify and monitor the position and trajectory of individuals, including cross-camera tracking for comprehensive coverage.

Benefits: Provides precise time tracking and attendance management, enhances security with accurate monitoring, and improves overall efficiency with seamless cross-camera integration.


Challenge: Understanding student movement and engagement within educational institutions can be difficult, making it challenging to optimize classroom layouts and resource placement.

Solution: Use AI algorithms to record and analyze students’ movement routes and durations, creating heatmaps that highlight areas with high engagement and traffic.

Benefits: Enhances classroom and facility layout optimization, improves placement of educational resources, and provides insights into student behavior and engagement patterns for better decision-making.

Indoor Air Quality Sensor

Challenge: Heating and cooling educational buildings consume a significant amount of energy, impacting both costs and environmental sustainability.

Solution: Implement Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) with IAQ sensors and IoT controllers to monitor and optimize HVAC system performance, improving indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Benefits: Reduces energy consumption and operational costs, enhances indoor air quality for a healthier learning environment, and supports sustainable energy practices.

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Made Easyier

Enhance their learning experience
with our smart solutions for education.
Smart Ed - Cancel Journ

this is how we can
upgrade your schools

this is
how we can
upgrade your schools

Image of People Counting

People Counting

Challenge: How can educational institutions improve the accuracy of data collection, data management, maintenance, and system integration while reducing costs and enhancing scalability in people counting?

Solution: Implement an advanced people-counting system using AI-powered sensors and integrated data management platforms to ensure precise tracking, seamless integration, and scalable growth.

Benefits: Provides accurate real-time data collection, reduces maintenance efforts, lowers costs, and enhances system scalability, improving overall efficiency in educational institutions.

Image of People in a Conference Room

Smart Conferencing

Challenge: How can educational institutions enhance their conferencing experience and collaboration by using smart conferencing systems and 360-degree cameras?

Solution: Implement a smart conferencing system integrated with 360-degree conferencing cameras to provide comprehensive, immersive video coverage and advanced meeting management features.

Benefits: Enables clear and immersive remote participation, improves meeting effectiveness with panoramic views, enhances collaboration, and integrates seamlessly with existing technology for a more engaging and productive conferencing experience.

Interactive Display

Challenge: How can educators teach in a way that encourages student participation in class?

Solution: Install interactive displays in educational institutions.

Benefits: By installing interactive displays, educators can experience enhanced student engagement, while students benefit from receiving real-time feedback from teachers.

qnex Smart Classroom

Challenge: Managing classroom technology efficiently while minimizing the workload for IT administrators.

Solution: Implement a smart classroom system with remote control, scheduled tasks, AV switching, live broadcasts, and one-touch device control.

Benefits: Streamlined management, improved efficiency, enhanced learning experiences, and simplified device operation.

Room Booking

Challenge: Managing classroom technology efficiently while minimizing the workload for IT administrators.

Solution: Implement a smart classroom system with remote control, scheduled tasks, AV switching, live broadcasts, and one-touch device control.

Benefits: Streamlined management, improved efficiency, enhanced learning experiences, and simplified device operation.

Immersive Box

Challenge: Managing advanced video display technology in various settings while ensuring ease of use.

Solution: A high-performance video processor provides features such as projector edge blending, video wall control, and 4K MultiViewer with a user-friendly interface.

Benefits: Delivers high-quality, customizable displays, supports diverse applications, and simplifies technology management.


Challenge: Live streaming setup can be complex and costly, requiring specialized equipment and expertise.

Solution: A portable, easy-to-use live streaming solution offers quick setup and professional capabilities with no extra equipment needed.

Benefits: Stream events effortlessly with minimal setup, portability, and accessibility for users of all skill levels at a one-time cost.

Asset Management System

Challenge: Managing and tracking assets and maintenance using spreadsheets can be cumbersome and lead to loss or mismanagement of assets.

Solution: Asset management and tracking software provides a centralized system for monitoring and maintaining assets, equipment, inventory, and tools from anywhere, at any time.

Benefits: Streamlines asset tracking, reduces the risk of loss, and enables efficient management and maintenance through a centralized, accessible platform.

RFID Library System

Challenge: Managing RFID data collection and device performance in a demanding environment can be challenging due to issues with efficiency, battery life, heat dissipation, and communication.

Solution: The device features advanced RFID technology, ergonomic design, efficient heat dissipation, dynamic duty cycle algorithm, dual battery system, 5G communication, and a high-definition screen.

Benefits: Enhances data collection speed and accuracy, reduces user fatigue, ensures stable operation with improved battery life and heat management, and offers efficient communication and display for optimal performance.


Challenge: Educators require durable, flexible mobile devices that can withstand the rigors of a classroom environment while offering security and functionality.

Solution: Rugged mobile devices provide durability, customizable features, and advanced security to support teaching and administrative tasks in any educational setting.

Benefits: Ensures reliable performance in challenging environments, enhances classroom productivity with adaptable features, and protects sensitive educational data with robust security.

Hexnode Mobile Device Management

Challenge: Managing and securing mobile devices in educational settings can be complex, requiring efficient deployment, policy enforcement, and troubleshooting.

Solution: Mobile Device Management (MDM) offers zero-touch deployment, unified policy management, app management, remote troubleshooting, messaging, and kiosk modes.

Benefits: Streamlines device setup, enforces consistent policies, simplifies app management, enables remote support, facilitates communication, and allows for controlled device use.

Energy Management System

Challenge: Managing and optimizing energy consumption in educational buildings can be complex, requiring integration of various systems for effective control and monitoring.

Solution: Implement an energy management system with IoT solutions including smart lighting, building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), smart HVAC systems with occupancy and open/close detection, and power consumption controls with electrical monitoring.

Benefits: Enhances energy efficiency, reduces operational costs, improves environmental sustainability, and provides real-time monitoring and control for better management of educational facilities.


Challenge: Accurately tracking time and attendance in schools can be challenging with traditional methods, often lacking precision and efficiency.

Solution: Utilize AI cameras with pedestrian detection and tracking capabilities to accurately identify and monitor the position and trajectory of individuals, including cross-camera tracking for comprehensive coverage.

Benefits: Provides precise time tracking and attendance management, enhances security with accurate monitoring, and improves overall efficiency with seamless cross-camera integration.


Challenge: Understanding student movement and engagement within educational institutions can be difficult, making it challenging to optimize classroom layouts and resource placement.

Solution: Use AI algorithms to record and analyze students’ movement routes and durations, creating heatmaps that highlight areas with high engagement and traffic.

Benefits: Enhances classroom and facility layout optimization, improves placement of educational resources, and provides insights into student behavior and engagement patterns for better decision-making.

Indoor Air Quality Sensor

Challenge: Heating and cooling educational buildings consume a significant amount of energy, impacting both costs and environmental sustainability.

Solution: Implement Demand Controlled Ventilation (DCV) with IAQ sensors and IoT controllers to monitor and optimize HVAC system performance, improving indoor air quality and energy efficiency.

Benefits: Reduces energy consumption and operational costs, enhances indoor air quality for a healthier learning environment, and supports sustainable energy practices.

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