LG had gained world renown for their ceaseless innovation on providing a wide range of business solutions of commercial electronic products that not only build towards a more sustainable and greener future but also enhances the quality of life with a low and affordable cost. They empower businesses with a competitive edge, as they offer products such as; digital signage, VRF systems, system air conditioners, and tailored solutions that seamlessly caters to a different set of needs within the industry.
LG’s CreateBoard redefines how we interact with digital content to a whole new level. This creative whiteboard solution allows its users to interact with their content directly on the screen at the palm of their fingertips, whether to freely navigate or zoom to get the best perspective or to edit and write over creative presentations. LG’s CreateBoard makes team collaborations all the more engaging with optimized efficiency, enabling its users share their content seamlessly with other devices thanks to their built-in multi-OS support.
Benefits of LG’s CreateBoard

Versatile Learning
LG’s CreateBoard has a variety set of tools for the user’s perusal, allowing access to online information in real time which can easily be integrated to the user’s presentation materials efficiently.
Seamless Compatibility
The CreateBoard can share its screen content throughout multiple devices all at the same time, making discussions and input sharing much more efficient and engaging in between the teams.

Engaging Collaborations
Users are able to engage their ideas with their fellow peers easily, as they share their feedback from the presented material with no delay with the assistance of on-screen sharing and editing features.
LG continues to reinvent their commercial electronic products to enhance their quality performance all while remaining economically friendly for both growing businesses and homes worldwide. With the introduction of LG’s CreateBoard, educational institutions can fully utilize this solution to engage their students with creative project collaborations and presentations, empowering teamwork through on time content sharing. corporate employees can also fully integrate this solution as well, to improve their current base of operations.
Read More: LG CreateBoard