How Litum Improves Infant Safety with Real-Time Location Tracking

Infant security in hospitals is a critical issue that demands attention. With newborns being some of the most vulnerable patients, hospitals must ensure their safety at all times. This responsibility goes beyond just keeping them healthy it also includes protecting them from potential threats like unauthorized access and abductions. So, how can hospitals tackle these challenges? One answer in advanced technology, particularly Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS).

Unauthorized Access

One of the biggest issues hospitals face is controlling who enters and leaves sensitive areas like nurseries and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). It’s tough for hospitals to monitor everyone, especially during busy periods with staff, visitors, and even contractors coming and going.

Solution: RTLS can help by working together with the hospital’s access control systems. This way, only authorized personnel can enter these restricted areas, and the hospital can receive real-time updates on who is accessing them. If someone unauthorized enters, the system alerts the staff instantly, allowing quick action.

Infant Abductions

Although it’s uncommon, the fear of infant abductions still looms large. Physical barriers like locked doors and surveillance cameras might not be enough, especially if someone has planned an abduction carefully.

Solution: RTLS offers real-time tracking of infants. Babies can be tagged with small, safe devices that track their movements. If a baby is moved outside of a designated safe zone without permission, the system will alert the staff immediately, allowing them to act before it’s too late.

Health Monitoring

Keeping infants safe isn’t just about protecting them from external threats. Hospitals also need to closely monitor their health. Early detection of health issues is crucial to ensure that newborns receive medical attention promptly.

Solution: Modern RTLS systems can connect with health monitoring devices to track vital signs and activity levels. If there’s an issue, like inactivity, the system sends alerts to caregivers, helping ensure that infants get the care they need.

Emergency Response the Fast and Organized Action

Emergencies like fires or natural disasters can create panic and confusion, especially when trying to ensure the safety of infants. Quick, organized responses are essential to evacuate newborns safely.

Solution: RTLS provides real-time location data, which allows hospital staff to know exactly where every infant is. This helps caregivers evacuate all infants quickly and efficiently during emergencies.

Operational Efficiency

Security is essential, but it shouldn’t get in the way of the hospital staff’s main focus caring for patients. Manually monitoring security or performing frequent checks can be time-consuming and distracting.

Solution: With RTLS, many security protocols are automated. Real-time alerts ensure that staff can focus on patient care while still being informed about any security concerns. This improves efficiency and allows the hospital staff to dedicate more time to what truly matters—the patients.

Infant Security RTLS

Location-Based Healthcare Systems

For nearly 10 years, Litum has been a trusted provider of location-based solutions in healthcare. Their Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) have transformed how hospitals operate, ensuring safety, efficiency, and top-tier care. Here’s why Litum stands out in the healthcare industry.

Proven Expertise and Global Reach

With two decades of innovation under their belt, Litum’s experience speaks for itself. Their systems are deployed in over 50+ countries, drawing from a wealth of global best practices and countless real-life applications. This extensive knowledge ensures Litum’s solutions are reliable and adaptable to any healthcare environment.

Location Accuracy

Litum uses Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology at the core of its RTLS, offering sub-meter accuracy in location tracking. This precision is crucial for infant security in hospitals. In critical situations, it ensures that staff can locate and respond swiftly to any potential security breaches or emergencies.

Hybrid Technology for Flexibility

Litum’s innovative approach doesn’t stop at UWB. Their “Little Tags” come equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology, offering a hybrid solution. BLE helps lower battery consumption in less sensitive areas, while UWB handles high-precision tasks, giving hospitals flexibility based on their needs.

Seamless Integration for Better Workflows

Hospitals need solutions that fit smoothly into their existing operations, and Litum delivers just that. Their RTLS integrates effortlessly with healthcare systems, helping hospitals streamline workflows while keeping up with the fast-paced demands of patient care.

Enhanced Security with Lenel Certification

Litum’s RTLS is certified to work with the Lenel OnGuard access control system, providing real-time alerts and generating reports to boost operational efficiency. This feature allows hospitals to monitor access and security in sensitive areas like NICUs, ensuring that patient safety remains the top priority.

Prioritizing Quality of Care

At the heart of Litum’s mission is the drive to improve healthcare delivery. Their RTLS solutions not only boost operational efficiency but also enhance patient and staff safety. Whether it’s infant security or general hospital safety, Litum’s RTLS systems make a real difference in outcomes, helping healthcare providers deliver better care every day.


Infant security in hospitals presents many challenges, but advanced technologies like RTLS offer effective solutions. From controlling unauthorized access and preventing abductions to monitoring health and improving emergency responses, RTLS ensures that hospitals can keep newborns safe. By adopting RTLS technology, hospitals not only boost security but also enhance the quality of care, making them leaders in infant safety.


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