An Exciting Event Experience with BBC Click Live is a platform designed to help anyone create software without needing extensive technical knowledge. It offers a variety of tools and services that make building apps and software easier, faster, and more accessible.

Have you heard about BBC Click? This well-known tech show has been on the air for over 20 years, sharing the latest news and trends in technology. They’ve aired over 1000 episodes, and they were the first to shoot and edit a show entirely on mobile and even broadcast in 360 degrees. How awesome is that?


BBC Click wanted to make their live show in India something special. They needed a way to get the audience more involved and make the event super interactive and fun.


With only five weeks to go before the big event in New Delhi, we teamed up with BBC Click to build an awesome app. This app was a game-changer! People could register for the event through it, and once they got to the venue, the app used geofencing to activate interactive features like live polls and Q&A sessions. The BBC Click team and presenters used the app all night, making the event super engaging and memorable.


Builder Studio

App Name

BBC Click Live


19 amazing features

Making the Event Awesome

More than 200 people at BBC Click Live used the app to participate in polls, ask questions, and give feedback. It was such a hit that they used the app again at their next event in London. Now, it’s a must-have for all BBC Click Live events!

Some of the features used


You can create and edit your profile so others can get to know you.

Post Creation

Share text updates, tag your location and friends, and upload photos and videos to start conversations.

Roles & Permissions

Different access levels to control what users see and do.


Change your password, deactivate your account, and edit your profile easily.


Manage your notifications and see what’s new at a glance.

Multipage Forms

Long forms are split into smaller sections, making them easier to fill out on your phone.


Register for events directly in the app without using a third-party platform.

Email Login

Easy login with your email and password.

Game Score

Track your scores and progress in games, with a progress bar and final results display.

The BBC Click Live app made the event super fun and interactive, and it was a huge success! Can’t wait to see what they come up with next.


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